民意调查:科罗拉多州选民在州长竞选中最关心的问题是教育, Health Care and Housing

大多数居民认为该州的经济正在好转, 但医疗保健和住房成本正在恶化

科罗拉多州选民最常提到的是教育, health care 住房成本 as the top issues for the state’s gubernatorial candidates to discuss ahead of the November elections, 找到一个新的 凯泽家庭基金会/365bet官网中文登陆(KFF/CHF)民意调查.

The poll of more than 1800 residents reveals Coloradans’ views on a wide range of issues leading into the 2018 midterm elections and highlights differences related to health and quality of life among key demographic subgroups, 包括地理, 收入, 种族/民族和党派认同.

选民, 约五分之一的人分别提到了教育(21%), 医疗保健(21%), 住房成本(18%)是州长竞选的首要议题. 认为经济和就业的选民较少(14%), 移民(13%), 枪支政策(11%), 犯罪(9%), 税收和税制改革(9%), 饥饿(8%)是最重要的问题.

民意调查显示,两党在医疗保健的重要性上存在分歧, 在KFF的其他全国性民意调查中也看到了这一点. 共和党人最不可能说医疗保健是最重要的问题(12%), 该问题与教育问题并列第四,仅次于移民问题, 经济和就业, 住房成本. 三分之一的科罗拉多州民主党选民(33%)认为医疗保健是最重要的问题, 让它成为他们的首要问题, and nearly one in five independents (18%) rank health care as their most important issue, 排名第二,仅次于教育.

When voters who say health care is an important issue are asked what specifically about health care they would like the candidates to discuss, four in ten Colorado voters (41%) cite health care costs – at least four times as many as name any other health care issue.

对于科罗拉多州的选民, affordable housing and education are right up there with health care as top issues in the governor’s race,KFF总裁兼首席执行官德鲁·奥特曼说. “One lesson is that top issues in state elections often can look quite different than in national polls, 尽管医疗保健在两国都名列前茅.”

The poll suggests Colorado Democrats are more motivated to vote in November’s Congressional elections than others. Nearly half (49%) say they are “more enthusiastic” about voting in the Congressional elections this year, 相比之下,大约十分之三的共和党人(29%)和独立人士(31%).

For many Colorado voters, President Trump could play a significant role in the election. More voters say that a candidate’s support for or opposition to President Trump is the biggest factor in their Congressional vote (29%) than say the same about a candidate’s character and experience (23%), 地方或州问题(24%), 或者具体的国家问题(19%).


总体而言,科罗拉多人对该州的经济和就业市场持乐观态度, 十分之六(59%)的人认为该州的经济正在好转. 另一方面, 大多数科罗拉多人认为住房成本(80%), 医疗保健费用(55%), 药物滥用(53%)越来越严重.

当被问及州政府的一系列优先事项时, 居民将医疗费用排在首位. Eight in 10 (80%) cite lowering what people pay for health care as at least “very important” for the state government to address.

Seven in 10 say the same about making housing more affordable (69%) and funding mental health programs (70%). 更少的, 但仍然是多数, 关于解决饥饿问题的计划也是如此(62%), 药物滥用 treatment and prevention (58%) and programs to help children be physically active (52%).

Health care costs rank among the top state government priorities across most demographic groups in Colorado. 值得注意的是, 然而, 一半(52%)的黑人居民和三分之一(33%)的收入低于40美元的人,000人认为住房成本是他们的首要任务.


Half of Coloradans report that it has become harder for residents to afford their rent or mortgage in recent years (52%). 除了, nearly three in 10 (28%) say they worry that they might lose their home because they can’t afford their monthly payments, 包括八分之一(12%)的人“非常担心”.”

丹佛/博尔德地区的居民对住房的担忧更为严重, where two thirds (65%) of residents say it has become more difficult to afford their rent and mortgage costs, and about a third (35%) worry about losing their home because they can’t afford their monthly payments.

大多数科罗拉多人的健康状况都非常好, 但不同的收入存在显著差异

The survey finds most Coloradans say that their health (53%) and mental health (64%) are “excellent” or “very good,根据收入和种族/民族而有所不同.

例如, 收入低于40美元的人不到一半,000 report that their general health (38%) or their mental health (47%) is “excellent” or “very good,与大多数高收入人群相比. Black and Hispanic residents are also less likely than Whites to report “excellent” or “very good” health overall. 各地区差异不大.

“并不是每个科罗拉多人都觉得他们和他们的家人能过上高质量的生活, 特别是如果他们的收入较低,或者是黑人或西班牙裔. That’s a sign of inequity that is negatively influencing the health of our state overall,365bet官网中文登陆主席兼首席执行官凯伦·麦克尼尔-米勒说. “即使是在经济扩张的情况下, our state's work of bringing affordable health care and housing within reach for all Coloradans remains unfinished business. Coloradans want and expect the next elected leaders of Colorado to prioritize addressing these challenges.”


  • 当地媒体是科罗拉多州最值得信赖的新闻来源. Seven in 10 (69%) Coloradans say they have at least some trust in local news organizations. Majorities say the same about news from family and friends (60%) and national media organizations (62%). Far fewer trust the information they get from social media such as Facebook or Twitter (18%).
  • 科罗拉多人对该州医疗系统的运作情况存在分歧. 而大多数科罗拉多人(65%)表示,他们家庭目前的医疗保健需求得到了满足, nearly equal shares agree (46%) and disagree (45%) that the state’s health care system is meeting the needs of most Coloradans.
  • 大多数科罗拉多人认为获得心理健康服务是一个问题. Overall six in 10 (61%) say that most people in the state who need mental health services are not able to get them. This includes about half (49%) of all residents who view lack of access to mental health services as a “major problem.”
  • 费用和覆盖面对心理健康和药物滥用服务构成障碍. One in five Coloradans (20%) say there was a time when they or another family member thought they might need mental health or 药物滥用 services but did not get them. Many in this group say that they couldn’t afford the cost of treatment and/or that their insurance wouldn’t cover it.

Designed and analyzed by researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation in consultation with the Colorado Health Foundation, 科罗拉多人对健康、生活质量和中期选举的看法 是在8月15日至9月19日期间通过固定电话和移动电话进行的, 2018年,在1个随机代表性样本中,803名18岁及以上的成年人住在科罗拉多州. The margin of sampling error including the design effect for the full sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points. 对于基于其他子组的结果,抽样误差幅度可能会更高.

满足了对国家卫生问题可靠信息的需求, KFF (the Kaiser Family Foundation) is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.

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