Colorado Survey Finds Major Mental Health Impact From Coronavirus Outbreak, 尤其是在女性中, 年轻人, 以及那些失去工作或收入的人

科罗拉多州冠状病毒调查, Launched by 健康的科罗拉多州 和 365bet官网中文登陆, Also Shows Coloradans Worry About Paying for Basic Necessities 和 Believe the Government Should Do More for Those in Need

丹佛,科罗拉多州——今天, 健康的科罗拉多州365bet官网中文登陆 released new results from Colorado’s only publicly available statewide 调查 关于冠状病毒爆发. The 调查 measures 和 explores the concerns, 需要, experiences 和 attitudes of Coloradans 关于冠状病毒爆发.


  • A majority of Coloradans say the stress 和 worry from the coronavirus outbreak has impacted their mental health;
  • More Coloradans are worried about paying for necessities of daily living like housing, 食物, 公用事业和处方药;
  • Coloradans overwhelmingly feel the government should do more to make health care more affordable, support individuals who cannot afford 食物 和 housing, 和 provide paid sick 和 family leave; 和
  • Most people feel there are significant changes ahead to the way we live, 社交和工作, even after the coronavirus outbreak is under control. 

Mental health is a prominent concern for Coloradans during the coronavirus outbreak. Fifty-three percent of people reported that their mental health has worsened due to the stress 和 anxiety of the p和emic. 此外, 女性(61%), 18-29岁人群(69%), people who have lost their income (62%), 和 people without insurance (69%) all said they’ve experienced a negative impact to their mental health. Nearly half of all Coloradans (46%) expect to experience long-term mental health impacts because of the coronavirus outbreak. Among respondents that feel the coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health, 67% say they are very or somewhat concerned about the lasting, 对他们的心理健康产生负面影响.

“I would say that it affected my post-traumatic stress disorder 和 my anxiety.-女性,35-39岁,梅萨县

“Being a 60-year-old black man, I have a high-risk category to die from this disease. 我一离开家就紧张.——男性,60-65岁,丹佛人


People are more worried about supporting themselves 和 their families since the coronavirus outbreak. A 16% increase since before the outbreak, 35% of people said it was very or somewhat difficult to pay for necessities of daily living. 失去工作或收入的人(+28%), 低收入人群(+25%), 没有医疗保险的人(+22%), 和 single women (+21%) all reported greater challenges paying for necessities like housing, 食物, 公用事业和处方药.

People are eager for the government to do more to support people affected by the p和emic. Sixty-five percent of people feel that the government should do more to provide affordable health care. 另外, Coloradans feel the government should do more to assist Coloradans in paying for 食物 (61%), 支付租金及按揭(59%), supporting people experiencing homelessness (58%), 和 ensuring paid sick 和 family leave (54%). The 调查 also found an overwhelming majority of Coloradans are worried that people won’t receive necessary supports 和 services. People were either very or somewhat worried that help would not be available for those who are homeless or who are struggling to pay their rent or mortgage (81%), for essential workers to ensure they have personal protective equipment such as masks (76%), 和 for programs to support people who are hungry 和 not able to afford 食物 (76%).

Just 28% of people believe things will go back to normal when the coronavirus outbreak is under control, while 65% believe there will be significant changes. 城市女性(74%), 享受医疗补助的人(80%), 非洲裔美国人(72%), 和 those on low incomes (71%) all felt that the way we live, 社交和工作 will change significantly as a result of our experience with coronavirus.

“这场危机是不幸的, 对我们的精神健康来说是个完美的风暴,杰克·威廉姆斯说。, executive director of 健康的科罗拉多州. “Our 调查 shows that a majority of Coloradans are experiencing a negative impact to their mental health, 和 that they want our government to do more to provide the economic 和 health support that can bring relief. It is critical that policymakers consider the intertwined consequences of this p和emic, including the increased stress people are experiencing."

“The coronavirus p和emic has unveiled the shortcomings in our country’s systems. While Coloradans are fearful about their mental 和 physical health, 以及他们的未来, 他们仍然很乐观,凯伦·麦克尼尔-米勒说, president 和 CEO of 365bet官网中文登陆. “As we develop local 和 statewide responses, we can’t let them down. Our systems 和 policies need to do more for those most impacted by this p和emic 和 ensure we bring health in reach for all.”

面试请联系 (电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护). A copy of the 调查 results 和 crosstabs is located at 健康的科罗拉多州.


  • The 调查 sampled the adult resident population of Colorado based on the 2019 U.S. 人口普查估计(18岁或以上)
  • The poll interviewed 1,000 Coloradans plus an over sample (100) of African American adults
  • 总体误差幅度为+/- 3.1%
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